health & wellness
The Honest Company

health & wellness

The Honest Company
UI Design, UX Design

The Honest Company Prenatal Bundle landing page & flow re-design

The mobile version of the original mobile design (left) attempted to include too much information above the fold, making it hard to read and navigate. The re-design for desktop and mobile (center, right) solved these issues.

The Problem

One of the most significant challenges users faced was a cluttered Prenatal Bundle landing page. The top fold contained a lot of overwhelming information regarding the price point of the subscription, promotional pricing, and information regarding the product and its contents. I worked closely with UX researchers, watched user interviews, and gained an understanding of the problem users were having in trying to locate relevant information about the product, price, and more.

The Solution

Along with a UX designer, we created a list of essential and unimportant items on the existing page and sketched out a rough wireframe. We focused on creating a design that pushed the most relevant information to the top in an organized manner while promoting the less critical information to the center or bottom of the page.

We worked closely with product managers to ensure that all needs were met, and after creating a first draft of the new landing page, we conducted a second user study to see how effective the new design was. Except for a few minor issues with the language, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. We returned to project stakeholders with the latest design and user research and received the green light to proceed with publishing the new Prenatal Bundle landing page.

I worked with copywriters on revamping the problematic language on the page. I then worked closely with the brand creative team and the in-house photographer on a photoshoot centered around prenatal vitamins to include dynamic, on-brand assets for the new page. I then worked closely with engineering to ensure that all final and approved design files were ready for development, and all design changes were reflected in the new flow design before publishing.

Version A (left) was the original design. Version B (right) is the new Prenatal page design.

The Results

The new Health & Wellness Bundle design was A/B tested across organic, paid social, affiliate, prospect, and paid email channels. Ultimately, the data showed that the new design performed better than the previous creative in driving Health & Wellness Bundle conversions. The Prenatal Fast Flow had a lift of +23.1% in Health & Wellness Bundle orders over the Health & Wellness Bundle shelf. The results yielded in a 4-month revenue of $70,122 and an annual revenue increase of $166,915.

The Campaign

In addition to the new Prenatal Bundle landing page design, I was also responsible for the design of all paid media and social creative. As the designer responsible for the new Prenatal Bundle campaign, I made sure that the art direction and branding remained consistent across all digital channels, including Instagram stories, posts, all paid social assets, affiliate, and paid email channels. All designs shared the same photography, color palette, language, and overall art direction to ensure brand consistency.

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